27. März 2011

real understanding

When a person awakens, he is no longer aware of the various ramblings of his dreams.
He is conscious only of his waking state.
Similarly a Siddha forgets the dream of bondage and understands that he, the knower,
is everything visible and invisible – all objects, the process of knowing, all that there is.
He experiences:
„I am the knower. I am unborn, indestructible, and inexhaustible.
I am primordial, limitless bliss.“
This ist he true understanding of siddha yoga.

Swami Muktananda in: Secrets of the Siddhas

23. März 2011

golden fish of saṁsāra

It is easy to read,
but it is difficult to actualize
what you have read.
It is even more difficult
to realize the subtle Truth.

I forgott all books and philosophy
in the experience
of the bliss of Consciousness.


8. März 2011


Sing the songs of celestial love,
O singer! May the divine fountain
of eternal grace and joy
enter your soul.
May the lord stay there forever!
May you always feel the presence
of the Lord within
as it plucks the strings of your soul
with the celestial touch.
Bless us with a divine voice
and may we tune
the harp strings of our life
to sing songs of love to you.

Ṛg Veda

Listen to the melodious music of the divine poet.
He plays upon the flute of love –
the notes soar to heaven
and reach the distant stars
and dance on the raging waves of the sea.
The earth, the sea, the sky, the stars
are all woven together
by the soft strains of the divine music.
Its vibrations echo through the corridors of time
in the endless canopy of the sky.

Sāma Veda

The truth is that God fills us completely
within and without, and it does not matter
whether we see him or not.
What matters is that we keep singing
his name joyfully all the time.

sāmba sadāśiva sāmba sadāśiva
sāmba sadāśiva hara śambho

he girijāvara he girijāvara
he girijāvara hara śambho

he karuṇākara  he karuṇākara
he karuṇākara hara śambho

he mṛtyuñjaya saccitasukhamaya
he karuṇāmaya  hara śambho

6. März 2011

Śiva Āratī

Śankha-ninādam kṛtvā
jhallari nādayate,
Śiva jhallari nādayate;
Nīrājayate brahmā,
Nīrājayate vīṣṇur
veda ṛchām paṭhate.
Iti mṛdu-charaṇa-sarojam
hṛtkamale dhṛtvā,
Śiva hṛtkamale dhṛtvā;
Avalokayati maheśam,
Śivalokayati sureśam,
Om hara hara hara mahādev.

Das Muschelhorn wird geblasen; der metallene Trommelton widerhallt. Brahma und Vishnu schwenken Lichter und rezitieren die Hymnen der Veden vor dir. Wir preisen deine heiligen Lotusfüsse und knien nieder vor dir, O Herr; dir Du grosser Gott, Du Herr der Gottheiten, 
bringen wir unsere Ehrerbietung dar.
Om Hara, Hara, Hara, Mahadev.

2. März 2011

Maha Shivaratri 3. März 2011

Du bist mein Selbst.
Parvati ist meine Vernunft.
Meine fünf Pranas sind deine Diener,
mein Körper ist dein Haus,
und all die Freuden meiner Sinne
dienen mir zu deiner Verehrung.
Mein Schlaf ist dein Zustand von Samadhi.
Wo immer ich gehe, umgibst du mich.
Alles, was ich sage,
ist eine Lobpreisung für dich;
alles was ich tue,
geschieht aus Hingabe an dich,
O gütiger Herr!